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Stop what you're doing & start an employee referral program

Employers tend to focus on trying to get more applicants from job boards, however, where they need to focus their sourcing is within their own company.


How to Use SEO to Recruit Applicants

Struggling for better engagement on job boards? Spending more money on your job ads won’t help them stand out in your industry. Spending more time on SEO will!

house lock

Stop Wasting Time You Don't Have on Hiring

Tired of hiring pains? At ApplicantPro, we can streamline and manage your hiring process for you so you can successfully hire without using up all your time!

tiny purple house

How Do You Reject Job Applicants?

Send rejection letters! Sending a rejection letter isn’t more likely to potentially create a bad reputation for your company… not sending a rejection letter is.

online realtor

How To Filter Out Unqualified Candidates BEFORE the Interview

Don’t waste any more time on applications from unqualified applicants. Our hiring system filters candidates for you! Tell us your dealbreakers and we screen for them.

realtor on phone

Want No More No-Shows? Try Hiring Assessments!

Asking specific questions with a hiring assessment can weed out candidates who may be more likely to be no-shows and help employers decide who to interview/hire.


How to Screen Your Applicants the Right Way

To filter out low-quality applicants and identify high-quality applicants you must find out what makes a person successful at the job and then screen for that.


Say Goodbye to Low Applicant Flow with Employee Referrals!

If you’re a small business without an employee referral program…you’re missing out on the cheapest, easiest, and most effective way to increase applicant flow.

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Done Hiring? Don't Take Down Your Job Ads!

Recruiting even when you’re not actively hiring is one of the smartest things you can do to prepare for when you are actively hiring.